Other standout dining experiences in Honolulu include Alan Wong's Restaurant at 1857 South King Street and Chef Mavro (George Mavrothalassitis) at 1969 South King Street. Both chefs are pioneers of Hawaii Regional Cuisine and each have been honored with prestigious James Beard Foundation awards. These are the restaurants to head to for a special occasion. |
Try innovative dishes such as "New Wave" Opihi Shooter, Kona Coffee Crusted Maui Cattle Company Striploin, and Macadamia Nut-Coconut Crusted Lamb Chops at ultra hip Alan Wong's. Sample French-Hawaii cuisine such as Keahole Lobster A La Coque, Filet Mignon & Corned Short Ribs, and Day Boat Catch Marseillaise at the always romantic Chef Mavro. |